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“Honesty, Integrity, Transparency”: In New Video, Brad Lander Asks New Yorkers What Qualities They Want in Next Mayor

NEW YORK — Today, Brad Lander released a new “man on the street” video interviewing New Yorkers in Jackson Heights, Queens about what qualities they want in their next Mayor. New Yorkers overwhelmingly said they want an honest leader with integrity who can run our City without being bogged down by corruption. Watch the full video here.

Last week, Lander announced the most sweeping and transparent public integrity plan of any mayoral candidate in the 2025 race. In stark contrast to corrupt agents of chaos Eric Adams and Andrew Cuomo, as Mayor, Lander will bring to City Hall the transparency, integrity, and honesty he has demonstrated as Comptroller. 


LANDER: “So what are you looking for in New York City's next mayor?” 



“We want an honest mayor.”


“Someone who's like, you know, honest.” 


LANDER: “So that means somebody who was indicted for bribery and corruption with the Turkish government?”


“Not so much.” 

“Oh, not at all.”

LANDER: “What about a mayor whose deputy mayors and commissioners give contracts to their relatives and cronies?” 


“Absolutely not.” 

“Under Mayor Adams, you know, we've seen, like, a lot of scandals come about.” 

“I want to see less controversy.” 

LANDER: “One more idea for you. Would you like a former governor who resigned as a result of a dozen women accusing him of sexual harassment and has now spent $28 million in taxpayer money, including subpoenaing their gynecological records?” 


“Ew, so gross.” 

“No, not at all.” 

“I would call that the height of toxic masculinity and just disgusting.” 

LANDER: “Sounds to me like what New Yorkers want is a mayor they could trust. 

“My public integrity plan will make sure New Yorkers can trust their government. We'll close lobbying loopholes. We'll make the conflicts of interest board independent. We'll clean up contracting so what counts is what New Yorkers need and not who the cronies or relatives of commissioners or deputy mayors are. 

“New Yorkers deserve an honest government, one that's effective, that's got integrity and accountability. When I'm Mayor, that's what they'll have.” 


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